Resuscitator with Bag Spur® II Adult Resuscitator Medium Adult Mask, 12/CS


  • Ambu SPUR II is the only resuscitator that is made from a SEBS material instead of PVC
  • The bag is highly responsive, with minimal mechanical resistance – some even says it’s a natural extension of the hand
  • The Ambu SPUR II also features a unique shape that is small and easy to hold, yet provides optimum stroke volumes with just one hand
  • The Ambu SPUR II adult, pediatric and infant versions delivers one hand stroke volumes of 800 ml (1100 ml with two hands), 450 ml and 150 ml, respectively.
  • Ambu SPUR II, adult, body weight down to 66 lbs (10 years)

SKU 520211000

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