RMAB Medical Trauma Pack


The RMAB System provides First Responders the tools necessary to treat a multitude of life-threatening injuries in various types of conditions.  The medical supplies included covers your massive hemorrhage devices and hemostatics, basic and advanced airway adjuncts, respiratory trauma intervention products, and intravenous tools for establishing and providing fluid and blood (products) resuscitation.

The kit was designed for First Responders who work in remote or austere environments, where immediate evacuation is not always available.  The RMAB system gives the medical personnel the capabilities to treat those immediate life-threatening injuries, maintain a patent airway, and aid in the resuscitative efforts.

The RMAB System comes in three configurations: RMAB Complete, Carrier Replenishment Module, and the Sub-Belt Replenishment Pack.



Carrier Replenishment Mod:

2 x Combat Action Tourniquets

1 x Hemostatic Sponges, Inj.

1 x IT-Clamp

1 x Junctional TQ

1 x Cricothyrotomy Kit

1 x Suction Device, Handheld

2 x Chest Seals

1 x PocketBVM

1 x IV Starter Kit

1 x IO Device

1 x Blood Transfusion Kit

1 x Trauma Shears

2 x Nitrile Gloves, Pr.

Sub-Belt Mod:

2 x Combat Action Tourniquets

2 x Hemostatic Gauze

3 x Hemostatic Sponges, Inj.

1 x IT-Clamp

1 x Cricothyrotomy Kit

1 x Nasopharyngeal w/lube

1 x Chest Decompression Device

1 x Suction Device, Handheld

2 x Chest Seals

1 x PocketBVM

1 x IV Starter Kit

1 x IO Device

1 x Trauma Shears

2 x Nitrile Gloves, Pr.

2 x Permanent Markers

Also included are various ancillary supplies such as additional catheters, hypodermic needles, syringes, casualty cards, Pelican case, and more.

RMAB Complete System Include All of the above in addition to the Nylon Aid Bag/Carrier:

MEDICAL DEVICE AUTHORIZATION NOTICE: Federal (USA) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a practitioner licensed to use or order the use of this device. Purchase of this medical device requires that the user have supervision from a licensed medical practitioner. Devices requiring such supervision may be labeled “Caution” or “RX only”. Ensuring this supervision is the purchaser’s responsibility and the purchaser must acknowledge and accept the terms of this notice prior to sale. Authorization from a medical professional may be requested prior to fulfillment of this item.

ITEM # 7140125

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